Wednesday, November 3, 2010


today is school holidayy.
slept till 8 or 9 sumfink i think, mum woke me up before she went to market with her friend, but then i was still laying on bed and woke up at 10.30 sumfink likezatt, ;)))
waa waa waa. lazy to wake up. ~~

a very usual day as usual holiday's dayss should be.
oh ye, remember the bird which built a nest in my mum's plant?
well, it already left the planT AGES ago.
i forgot to blog about it. ;)))
as now there's nutfink to blog about, and i suddenly remembered it, so we'll just talk about it~!
the egg it laid had cracked and a birdie was born~
the plant at the back there was where the nest built.

the bird was hatching its egg.

dunno how many days later, the birdie was born! and its mother was waiting for its father to come and they would feed the birdie together.

waiting for foooooooood~!

ahh, finally~!

after feeding, the bird quickly flew away, scared that there's someone watching, lola. *they dunno we were watching them~! x)*

another parent bird waiting for its turn to feed.

! so near~!


feeding while keeping an eye on the surrounding, in case there's anyone walk past or what. lola~

! FEW DAYS LATER. The birdie grew up and it got all its feathers! wow, standing proudly and still, LOL.

soooooo hensem, xD

it was learning to fly, guided by its parents which kept tweeting. They were like kept encouraging it to fly to where they was standing, and kept demonstrating flying to it. ;D 

mum was very excited and nervous to see the birdie learning to fly, she kept giving out some yell when the birdie was like going to fall, nah, of course it wont. ;DD
"it's like watching a baby learning to walk," said mum. lola~! xD
after the birdie kept flying here and there and finally it flew further away to the rooftop of the house opposite our house, and finally to the big tree next to it. it flew away with its parents and we thought they were going to teach the birdie to find food after that. aha~
they'll never come back again~!!
BYEE BIRDSS~ hoho~ ;))))

oh whee. that's the story of father bird, mother bird and birdie. lola.

ahhh i want to finish Order of Phoenix quickly, so that i can start on Half Blood Prince!!
actually i finished it already, but i skipped some of the sentences cuz i was too eager to read itttt! lola, i wan to  make sure i read every single word of the book, ohohohoho~ x)

looking forward to meet primary school's friends!! ;D




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