Friday, November 19, 2010


iz pain. D:
i think it's because of sleeping in a wrong position? =o=
lonno. ah ah~

this afternooon was sizzling hot and expecting to hav a heavy rain in the evening and so did it.
wor worr.
thundarr and rainedd heavily~

and i had done my colouring finally!
lolll, kid's drawing, xD

chocolates, sweets, lollipops, ice-creams and rainbow! ;))
imma so happy seeing the colours ohahaha, who cares whether nice anott nahh~ ohohoo.
colours cheers you up! ;DD
olele olala~

but zen my neck iz pain... erm whazzat call in english, *google translate*
worr, rheumatic pain? o.O
sour sour lah LOL.

ahhh, it makes me can't concentrate on the IQ test that was posted in ah toiley's blog, i'll figure the answer out to you.... tomorrow lah. aha what an excuse. ;))
eikk. tomorrow can't make it to area meeting lur, cuz going back to hometown wa..
and i messaged to kevin in fb and phone, but he didn't reply me a single word back ZZZZZ.
later check whether i got the numba correctly =o=
i told him that i am going and zen next minute my mum told me i can't go and zen he's not on alala.
didn't attend last meeting oso, o.0 so not really good lah absent this time. ~.~
i think it's the last area meeting for this year worrr.
hmm hmm~

see yah on sunday or mondayyy!;))


tiramisu cake!! taken on 58's birthday, ;))) <3 =9



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