today was kinda over excited. =o=
ah vii and ah bao were wimmeeee.
nah, no paintball game, lols.
and they even took down the paintball poster which was hanging in front of the balcony on the second floor, where everyone could see it clearly.
played badminton.
with some malay guyssss, including zainal.
and we girls kept yay for scoring. u see, it actually boosted our excitement. aha.
two of them actually played well, exclude zainal, who kept hit by
and ah bao was really sui zai bao, stubborn. =o= ;P
after recess went to the hall.
we went to the classroom behind and played card games.
played till sot sot. ~.~
well, sumfink crazier happened. ._.
nahh, when we was playing snap a.k.a heart-attack a.k.a mental illness. blah.
and was exciting exciting.
and thn we heard a bang sound on the "steel fence" which separated the classes, erm erm whazzat call...
ahh, this this.

and me, ah bao and vii kinda ran to the fence there and wanted to bang at it as a kind of "respond". lol.
but somehow someone was too eager and pushed it too hard and the down part of the fence got separated from the metal post which was holding it and the other side's fence.
just like....

LOL. not so serious likeziss lah of course. ._.
just the down part down part.
and i think i was the first one who rushed out of the classroom and following by ah bao and vii. LOL.
lonno why, i just felt like running. ESCAPE. aha. though i didn't even touch it. ~.~
just running to another classroom next to it laughing. =o
nah, me kinda crazy liaw. ;))))
but then after we three calming down and went back to check for the situation, i was like =o.
wah, i didn't thought that uit would become so worse, i dun think i saw it like that before i ran away. o.O
ah jingying who didn't do anything and was like "sweat" watching us crazying told that the guys who tried to fix it kinda kick the metal post to make it back to its position. but i think it worsen the condition, lols.
maybe not them too, lonno, what we knew was that the post was already slanted and the below part of the fence was separated out. WOAH.
how how how.
we didn't manage to fix it anyway. with the fences locked.
so me and ah bao and ah vii went to find teacher to ask for the key to unlock it.
and the teacher told us that she would tell the teacher who was holding the key to fix it.
nah, she didn't know the exact condition of course. lola.
so we said okay, and went back to the classroom.
and we were like regretting ah worrying ah blah. =o=
and after lonno how long there's a teacher coming in and saw the fence and was like O.O and asked who did it?!!
and we three, excluding jingying the poor girl who did nothing, admitted it. nah, we good girls, won't deny it if we did wrong. and though it's actually one person who did it, but zen we all got fault oso lurh, see, all get over excited and actually we could only ignore the banging but duh, we DIDN'T! lalala~
ah lah lah.
then another teacher came in, asking who kicked it? wor, we corrected him that we ran into it accidentally. nah, really an accident mah, who know it will become likeziss. =o=
thn another teacher came in again, who was the counsellor teacher who like to say anda, came in and asked the same question, and we answered with the same ansahhhh.
wor. we apologised and the cikgu anda *ehem* told us that if anything happened and then they couldn't use the hall liaw ah, hav to use the field for activities liaw ah blah.
and i was actually thinking, this serious? thn we was like oh oh oh, maaf ahhhhhhh.
i think she wanted us to feel more guilty lol. BLAH.
so the teachers unlocked the fences and pushed the fence up and vry sharp and ear-piercing sound came out.
and thn moved back the post to its position and pulled down the fences and okay done bye.
lol. we helped oso larhhhhhhhhhhh.
the teacher asked us not to do it again (LOL who will?! =o=) and we thanked the teachers and byeeeeeeeeee.
went back home.
what a story.
tsk tsk.
tomorow is the start of deepavali's holidayy.
for 5 days.
weird. o.0
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