Tweets on Twitter actually helps me to blog easier kekeke, since there's quite a gap between the posts. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Drama spree started since the day after my last post hekhekhekhek.
First The King of Dramas then Missing You.
Both korean, but their genre are totally different. :3
The first one iz more of relaxing and comedy, though there're also annoying and kinda thrilling partss.
Whilst the latter is absolutely totally utterly very nerve wrecking heart breaking
story. T T
story. T T
If you wanna be all emotional and have some good cry to active your crying gland or what lacrimal gland go watch it hahah.
And it's what I've been doing and doing. Gonna wait for new uploads woooo...
And finally we got to go to Xinnee's place and surprised her with the card we made and pudding and cake and macarons that Shaly bought. ^____________^
Watched Running Man while eating like nobody's business. Hekhekk.
Earlier lil birthday celebration for her before she went to camp the other dayy. ;)
And this is why I didn't join Ah Wei and Mimiao for Undang theory test. :3
Kelian Mimiao btw. / o \
And this is why I didn't join Ah Wei and Mimiao for Undang theory test. :3
Kelian Mimiao btw. / o \

*grabbed from mamee's Twitter hehe :P*
6/12/12. ♥
Outing with Ah Wei Mimiao and Vii and her sis the next day~~
Watched Rise of Guardians~~ Jack Frost! XD
Very nice movieeeee, happy and touchy. ^_________^
Walk walk walk eat eat eat. :V
Another memorable happy day on 8 December. ♥
Farewell gathering for SJAM in Bluezone! ^_________^
And yea 6 of us already gap mai wanted to wear one piece dress and heels hahaha.
Our own ladies' night keke.
And just like what El said it's rare that we could wear like this cuz we always had our hair tied up like bird nests hahah. During all those activities lar of course. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ So we got to be lady a bit keke.
Hmm kinda disappointing for the gathering, I'd say the juniors who organised it would feel more about it than me, well, just do better in other events next time! Make some fun so that everyone could have fun instead of waiting for it. ;)
*More pichas on Facebook hehe.*
Another memorable happy day on 8 December. ♥
Farewell gathering for SJAM in Bluezone! ^_________^
And yea 6 of us already gap mai wanted to wear one piece dress and heels hahaha.
Our own ladies' night keke.
And just like what El said it's rare that we could wear like this cuz we always had our hair tied up like bird nests hahah. During all those activities lar of course. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ So we got to be lady a bit keke.
Hmm kinda disappointing for the gathering, I'd say the juniors who organised it would feel more about it than me, well, just do better in other events next time! Make some fun so that everyone could have fun instead of waiting for it. ;)
*More pichas on Facebook hehe.*

6 precious ex committee members with the boss and lao ban niang. *Flowers~*

Former NAA team and the caretaker.

with the juniors~

Sexy legs?! XD

Hometown next day.
Tried durian after dunno how many years since I first had a small bite on it and "EWWW" because of its texture when I was small. Felt curious about it for quite a long time ady actually since I never found durian smelly or stinky, nice smell for me actually hehe.
Soo I decided to bite on it again, and ooh okay that's... acceptable. Tada. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
The durian was okay. :>
And then the next day after we went back home and visited aunt to give her a tupperware of durian that her friend asked us to pass to her, tried a lil bit and it was g o o d.
Finished one novel and many to go. ( ~´ ▽ ` )~( ~´ ▽ ` )~( ~´ ▽ ` )~
And then it's the famous pretty 121212121212.
What so pretty? ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Ahahh, well anyhow every day is a precious day. So cherish our days. ^_____^
Had undang test on next day~ It's Thursday Thursday.
Just finished the whole book the night before, or at dawn that day lolll. Hekhek.

Passed yayy. :>
Gambateh for the girl who went with me. :)
Cleaned the book racks with mum after coming back from undang test.
Filled up the rack with SPM reference books, which are for Kit ngekngekngekngek.
All the best dear. ( ´ ▽ ` )
And so my room was cleared from the mess hekhekhek.
Urm the piles of clothes over there would still have to wait hehe.
Oh and anyone remember that once I suddenly didn't know where and how I spent the money that we took from SMK Pandan Mewah after being asked by parents? No? Nemermind. Cuz it turned out on that day, when me and mum were tidying, and mum spotted the RM100 cash in a plain envelope and then it went into her pocket. / o \
After that she told me neh the money that we asked you lai de lah.
Okay. Keep it and buy some good food for me mama. ._.
Another nice day with primary school friends in Shabu One Restaurant Lot 10, 15 December. ♥
Though it's only a few friends who were present and it's just simple short lunch together, still appreciate that we could sit together and had some small talks, at least spending time together. ^_______^
And I think the funniest thing was when everyone took turn to talk to Xinne who didn't get to turn out through the phone hehe.
Went to LRT station by bobo mamee's car and met up with froggeh there.
Then we went to Times Square together and searched for WiFi to search for movie in Pavilion cuz there's only 3D version of Life of Pi movie that we wanted to watch.
And ahah sorry wor froggeh, I bet you got the feeling that "I was cheated into a trap" feeling hahahah.
And so we walked to Pavilion and bought the movie tickets. 5 of us going to watch it.
And the movie was why we left earlier from the lunch. / . \
We was actually already late for it haha, it started for about 30 minutes when we went into the cinema hekhek.
The food was okay, a lot of fishballs hahah. Could add more variation of food though.
Not many photos hmmmmmmmmm.
Since we also started the lunch kinda late wooo.
The gathering could be more enthusiastic I think, only if we didn't get too rush hmm~
Welll hope for a better one next time! If there is next time, of course I wish there is erm. More people would be nice, absolutely.
Thanks for the cameraman ah yong again. X)
And I can't believe that I left out this in my Twitter. o.O Well, it's also another form of diary you see. Nah at least for me.

5 girls~ ♥

9 of us. ^_____^ ♥ *smoky mysteryyy*
People mountain people sea.
Crowds and people and people.
Just bought a few things.
Waiting for racks next time hee. Didn't buy them yet.
And oooh miss the meat balls in the food court in IKEA there. :9 Really tasty. Oh and its sauce of course.
Funny things happened hahah, or maybe it just became wayy funnier when Kit is around keke.
Cuz we would kept laughing and laughing. X)
Anddddd TODAY.
Nothing much today. :3
Oh went to school to take the graduation CD this afternoon.
Haven't watch it yet. :目
Did some small clean up.
And blog. ^_____________^
Watched two movies, on two different days. Black Swan and Mirror Mirror.
Black Swan with dad, and hahah I think he was more awkward than me when there're 18sx scenes, fast forward of course. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Well, I chose the movie when we went to rent. :X Nahh, I didn't know. xD
Good to have dad watching with keke. Cuz I'm still young. :3 Psychosexual movie woooo.
And then alone watching Mirror Mirror while Kit kept listening me laughing alone lol, or perhaps he didn't hear anything and just ignored me while playing laptop. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Had been spending days and nights washing my face with tears and adding wrinkles on it sigh.
Because of You.
Because of Missing You.
Because of Missing You, the drama.
Waiting waiting for new uploads. ^________^
Just had some laugh watching The King of Dramas today hehe.
Gonna start writing, hmm hmm hmmmmmm. Short ones.
Inspiration inspiration inspirationnnnn~
"I'm crying not because of sadness,
it's because of the wind,
which blew into my face,
and fills tears in my eyes."
byeeeeeeeeeee~ ;P
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