Due to someone's request, can't do anything. She loves me too much, keen to know my life more. :D
Dear peeps, Happy happy happy? X)
As always I'm just too lazy to do anything, except eating and sleeping, o.o
lol kidding, not at all of course haha, when I'm motivated I can do a lot of things!
Just uh normally it doesn't last long hahaha. :3
Now now now.
It's been how long since I last updated this lil cute bloggie? ._.
How many months lala.
No one will care. D:
Latest topic being discussed by peeps --- PLKN a.k.a. National Service.
Well surprisingly I wasn't selected, neither did 58.
So maybe Kit will be selected next year? MayBe~ ;D
Then he'll become a more handsome fit guy. XD
Start to feel sleepy -____________-
This morning went to Old Town White Coffee to study *ehem* with DEARRRRR mammeee Bobo XD.
Start at around 12pm? A 4 hours afternoon together. :DDD
Actually I was just doing Add Maths homeworks given
Thanks to mammeee for helping *EHEM* me to do some, XD
Both of us started to feel sleepy then dizzy at 3 something, -__- nap time, bo bian.
Had lunch then.
Okay I'm going to ask here, anyone knows WHY I went to BoboChiaShioKhan's house during standard 5 or 6? Ahaha no one will know.
It's actually nemermind for me that this question is going to be unanswered for EVER, it will just gonna puzzle someone for EVER, hahaha.
She doesn't even REMEMBER that I actually Went Her House Before!
Didn't have time to take more photos together O.O
Too hardworking studying, ^__^
Went back home at 4 something. :)
<3 Dun miss me hehehehehe <3

Yesterday's Bio class, had fingerprinting testing, unfortunately my thumb had some cracks or lines, making the pattern unclear, I think it's loop. hahaha XD

It's easier for me to study in school then at home in my room where the bed is always there ready for me if I just turn my chair around. ._. duh.
Just there's flaw, that I'm lazy to do revision exercise at home for what I studied that afternoon, which might makes turn the whole study thing useless. -___-
Yea you know, exercises are important in order to study effectively. =3=
Well I'm forced to be more hardworking, haha, you know why.
Gambateh gambateh gambateh, for me and for YOU. :)
-More commitment and determination is needed.-
Enjoying my favourite SJ playlist on new headphone bought at PC Fair KLCC :D
58 is going to university on September! That's SOON.
All the best for him.
Going to miss him, honestly. ):
REMEMBER to make him as model for Studies. :D
Heee I'm gonna use as much time as possible to kacau him hoho, XD
Oh And Happilyyyyy I cut my hair X)
Short hair lalalala~
*Flyy~ flyy~*
Mum who wanted me to leave it long turned to be liking my short hairstyle hahahaha.
Most people like to ask you whether you suffered from anything to make you decide cutting your longg hair short. O.o
Haha. Actually I just felt like my long and not-so-staright hair get kinda messy at times, and I think that maybe I'll actually look nice on short hair *hahahahaha* so I kept asking for opinions, longing for supports actually, then kept asking and asking mum when to take me to have a hair cut hehehe.
"After you get your academy incentive money from granpa (it's given by Mah Clan)."
So after the week, asked again, and mum couldn't stand me anymore, took me to cut when I suggested when to take me. Loll heee. X)
You ask me whether I'll regret or miss my long hair?
Hermmm maybe will miss the long hair, but not too much, or not so much, cuz I think I'm cute and stylish with my new hairstyle hahahaha. XD
Anyway I'm going to let it long again mah lalala~ :3
Problems always happen in our life. :)
Don't ever judge the whole appearance of the moon when you are only able to see it's one side.
Just, truly be yourself.
Be honest to ourselves is always hard, only if you dare to look deeeeeeep into youself.
If there's guilt, don't be ashamed to face it.
Such philosophy ah. *shame X)*
I've gained weight! Around 1-2 kg HAHAHAHA.
Ate a lot for a week more heeeeeeeeeeeee~ :9
Tummy also appears dy. Hehehehe. X)
Checking Twitter status to recall events.... ;P
AGM SJAM KSS02/09 2012/2013 was held successfully at 7 July 2012! :D
Which means I'm retired from the post chairperson St. John Ambulance Malaysia Taman Kosas and can concentrate more on studies ler. :)
The last event I joined for it was school's Sports Day duty.
Became darker, /.\
All the best juniors! ><

8 July 2012, Mighty Minds Competition with Vii, Raveena, Ah Bet Toiley, Froggiee, and Niq.
We didn't manage to get into second stage. Well, at least we weren't too behind among 49 or 50 or 59 or 60 or @@@@@@ schools. :)
Good experience anyway! :D
School's Carnival Day on 30 June 2012! :)
Busy day, didn't have too much fun actually, -________-
Well at least it's kinda a success one though the preparations and works were not so organised haish (my fault).
Happy is that we won Third Place for The Most Sales and First place for Cleanliness And Cheerfulness. Surprisingly, haha.

Drama presentation during assembly for Technique and Vocational Month/Week *o.O*
Lol till now I didn't even watch the full video for it even though it's uploaded for
Just watched not more than 2 minutes of the front part haaa, AWKWARD, as always. XD
Btw, I played for the main role, HAHAHA.
A good actor has to watch him/herself's acting in order to improve the skill.
Well apparently I'm neither professional nor brave enough hahaha.
When the time comes, when the time comes. :P
Follow me on Instagram! HAHA.
But I won't be active AT ALL after September, when 58 is of course taking his phone to uni with him. @@
Time to sleep.
Please be good, tomorrow.
That I will have enough determination and perseverance to do revision. -__________-
Good luck, lol.

SPM: 100 days to go.
SPM Trial: 31 days to go.
*how would I know if it's not from friends? hoho*
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